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Tools to build DApps

In order to let developers easily interact with the Desmos blockchain, we have developed a series of tools that will ease the development of DApps.


To make it easy to develop dApps on the top of the Desmos chain we have built a typescript framework called DesmJS. DesmJS is based on the analog framework for Cosmos based chains CosmJS but focused on Desmos. DesmJS contains 3 different packages, each one with a specific scope:

  1. The @desmoslabs/desmjs package contains the client that allows to easily create, sign and broadcast transactions containing Desmos (and Cosmos) messages;
  2. The @desmoslabs/desmjs-types package contains the Desmos types protobuf definitions;
  3. The @desmoslabs/desmjs-walletconnect package contains a WalletConnectSigner which implements @desmoslabs/desmjs Signer interface by signing transactions through a WalletConnect client.

The above packages can be found on the official GitHub Repository of DesmJS.

Install DesmJS

npm install @desmoslabs/desmjs @desmoslabs/desmjs-types
# or
yarn add @desmoslabs/desmjs @desmoslabs/desmjs-types

Send your first transaction

import {
} from "@desmoslabs/desmjs";

const mnemonic = "math track fish reopen project latin radio spoon please table between install cheap smile deer glide desk license bench vapor chef sock list case";
const rpcEndpoint = "https://rpc.my_tendermint_rpc_node";
const signer = await OfflineSignerAdapter.fromMnemonic(SigningMode.DIRECT, mnemonic);
const [firstAccount] = await signer.getAccounts();

const client = await DesmosClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer);

const recipient = "desmos1ptvq7l4jt7n9sc3fky22mfvc6waf2jd8nuc0jv";
const amount = {
denom: "udsm",
amount: "1337420",
const result = await client.sendTokens(firstAccount.address, recipient, [amount], "Have fun with your coins");

This is a very easy example but maybe you want to interact with some of the Desmos modules like the profiles or posts. Let's see an example of profile creation and post creation.

Example 1: Create a profile

import { 
} from "@desmoslabs/desmjs";
import {
} from "@desmoslabs/desmjs-types/desmos/profiles/v3/msgs_profile";

const mnemonic = "math track fish reopen project latin radio spoon please table between install cheap smile deer glide desk license bench vapor chef sock list case";
const rpcEndpoint = "https://rpc.my_tendermint_rpc_node";
const signer = await OfflineSignerAdapter.fromMnemonic(SigningMode.DIRECT, mnemonic);
const [firstAccount] = await signer.getAccounts();

const client = await DesmosClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer);

const msg: MsgSaveProfileEncodeObject = {
typeUrl: "/desmos.profiles.v3.MsgSaveProfile",
value: MsgSaveProfile.fromPartial({
dtag: "frieza",
nickname: "Frieza",
bio: "A weakling like you could never overcome me!",
profilePicture: "https://link_to_profile_picture",
coverPicture: "https://link_to_cover_picture",
creator: firstAccount.address,

const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [msg], "auto");

Example 2: Create a post

import { 
} from "@desmoslabs/desmjs";
import {
} from "@desmoslabs/desmjs-types/desmos/posts/v3/msgs";
import { ReplySetting } from "@desmoslabs/desmjs-types/desmos/posts/v3/models";
import Long from "long";

const mnemonic = "math track fish reopen project latin radio spoon please table between install cheap smile deer glide desk license bench vapor chef sock list case";
const rpcEndpoint = "https://rpc.my_tendermint_rpc_node";
const signer = await OfflineSignerAdapter.fromMnemonic(SigningMode.DIRECT, mnemonic);
const [firstAccount] = await signer.getAccounts();

const client = await DesmosClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer);

const msg: MsgCreatePostEncodeObject = {
typeUrl: "/desmos.posts.v3.MsgCreatePost",
value: MsgCreatePost.fromPartial({
subspaceId: Long.fromNumber(1),
sectionId: 0,
text: "Test post",
author: firstAccount.address,
replySettings: ReplySettings.REPLY_SETTING_EVERYONE,

const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [msg], "auto");

Example 3: Sign with wallet connect

make sure to install the wallet connect package with the following command:

npm install @desmoslabs/desmjs-walletconnect
# or
yarn add @desmoslabs/desmjs-walletconnect
import {
} from "@desmoslabs/desmjs-walletconnect";
import { DesmosClient, SigningMode, assertIsDeliverTxSuccess, MsgSaveProfileEncodeObject } from "@desmoslabs/desmjs";
import {
} from "@desmoslabs/desmjs-types/desmos/profiles/v3/msgs_profile";

const connector = new WalletConnect({
bridge: "",
qrcodeModal: QRCodeModal,
const signer = new WalletConnectSigner(this.connector, {
signingMode: SigningMode.AMINO,

// Show the walletconnect modal to allow connection from a client
await signer.connect();

const rpcEndpoint = "https://rpc.my_tendermint_rpc_node";
const [firstAccount] = await signer.getAccounts();

const client = await DesmosClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer);

const msg: MsgSaveProfileEncodeObject = {
typeUrl: "/desmos.profiles.v3.MsgSaveProfile",
value: MsgSaveProfile.fromPartial({
dtag: "frieza",
nickname: "Frieza",
bio: "A weakling like you could never overcome me!",
profilePicture: "https://link_to_profile_picture",
coverPicture: "https://link_to_cover_picture",
creator: firstAccount.address,

const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [msg], "auto");

Desmos Bindings

The Desmos Bindings are a set of packages that make possible to interact with the Desmos chain directly from smart contracts. With them, you can build your own dApp smart contracts taking full advantage of the Desmos chain modules to create even more personalisation to your app.
You can find the bindings generated documentation here: Desmos Bindings docs.

Example 1: Post from a contract

The below example shows you how to send a MsgCreatePost from inside a smart contract.

pub fn post_example_from_contract(deps: DepsMut, env: Env, info: MessageInfo, message: String) -> Result<Response<DesmosMsg>, ContractError> {
let post_msg = PostsMsg::CreatePost {
subspace_id: Uint64::new(1),
section_id: 1,
external_id: None,
text: Some(message),
entities: None,
attachments: None,
author: env.contract.address,
conversation_id: None,
reply_settings: ReplySetting::Unspecified,
referenced_posts: vec![]

let response = Response::new()
.add_attribute("action", "post")
.add_attribute("author", env.contract.to_string())


Example 2: Query from a contract the Desmos chain state you need

The below example shows you how to query a Subspace's posts from inside a smart contract.

fn query_posts_from_contract(deps: Deps<DesmosQuery>, subspace_id: Uint64, pagination: Option<PageRequest>) -> StdResult<Binary> {
let request = DesmosQuery::Posts(PostsQuery::SubspacePosts {
let response: StdResult<QuerySubspacePostsResponse> = deps.querier.query(&request.into());


The above examples are really simple examples of what you can achieve with the Desmos Bindings packages inside smart contracts. More examples will be added here in the future, and you can find some other inside the Desmos Bindings Github repository.

GraphQL APIs

The GraphQL APIs simplify the way with which clients interact with the Desmos blockchain to obtain the data their applications need. These queries can be customised with a wide range of parameters giving developers a great flexibility while building their apps.

Example: Query a user posts


query QueryUserPosts {
post(where: {author_address: {_eq: "desmos1dx6h75tkj0cuvyqf6cwn6usc9qynu39v0245m4"}}) {
attachments {


"data": {
"post": [
"id": 1,
"text": "This is a test post",
"creation_date": "2022-06-30T17:04:54.57816",
"last_edited_date": "2022-07-01T07:35:48.149871",
"external_id": null,
"author_address": "desmos1dx6h75tkj0cuvyqf6cwn6usc9qynu39v0245m4",
"attachments": [
"content": {
"uri": "",
"@type": "/desmos.posts.v1.Media",
"mime_type": "image/png"
"id": 1